IEE Info Days Apr09

15th April 2009
Author: miemawpsite

Infodays on the current calls for proposals under the IEE programme have been organized. MIEMA, in collaboration with the Malta National Contact Point for the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP Malta NCP), organised a series of roundtable discussions with the main stakeholders to create awareness of the various energy related funding opportunities that exist within the IEE programme, and to promote local initiatives on the topics in question.

The aim is to provide a forum for debate and experience sharing and to outline various avenues that could be considered to pursue by stakeholders regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy projects under IEE or other programmes. The roundtables also served as a meeting platform to establish direct communication channels and set the base for further collaborations and joint projects between stakeholders. The roundtables have been structured as to the IEE 2009 Work Programme and its main areas of action:
  • 15th April 2009: Energy and buildings (morning session)
  • 15th April 2009: Energy products and services (afternoon session)
  • 17th April 2009: Energy and transport


iee roundtables