LiMIT4WeDA Stakeholder Meeting Sep 2011

12th September 2009
Author: miemawpsite

Date: 12/09/2011 Lecture Centre, University of Malta

Dr. Jesmond Xuereb introduced the event by describing the aims and objectives of MIEMA. This included the foundation of the agency, current projects and previous projects within the agency. This introduction explained the priority axis of the agency, mainly those initiatives related with energy efficiency.

Then Perit Vince Magri described the consotrium making part of the LiMIT4WeDA project. This was then followed by the describtion of the aims and goals of the project. Perit Magri briefed the main application technologies utilised in the transport field. Various case studies were portrayed in the aim of proving the scalability of each application.

This speech was followed by the description of the pilot projects by Eng. Albert Falzon. The presentation involved the description of the frameworks of each pilot project involved for LiMIT4WeDA. He described the pre-design of the pilot project which will involve a car sharing system centralised in Valletta. The selection process was described so as to justify the target groups. Albert’s speech went on to describe the carbon footprint carried by fossil fueled cars in the Maltese scenario.